
Table Tennis Fremantle


We offer coaching via our accredited Level 2 coach, Peter "Jok" Jokic.  He has coached Table Tennis for as long as anyone can remember (approx. 15 years) and is a valuable resource to our table tennis community. He attained a Level 1 accreditation and held that for 6 years, and is currently a Level 2 coach (>1 years).  He has coached juniors into the WA state team and works with the National Para squad.  Jok has a working relationship with the (now former) Australian National Coach, Simon Gerada, and also with the Thai National Coach.

Coaching is available to all ages, however there are 2 days a week allocated to kids.  These sessions are at the Samson venue, are usually group sessions, and run from about 5:45pm - 8pm on Tuesdays & Thursdays. If you are interested in getting coaching, please just attend a session and ask for Jok (also be ready to play, he will get you or your kid, playing on a table as soon as he can).

Costs are $10 per session, plus a club membership which is $100 (casual membership) per 12 month period (we can split this up into 3 or 6 month blocks too, see Dan for this.)

For more information, please contact us through the contact form.
